NWWS Signature Membership

NWWS encourages all associate members to pursue a high level of artistic accomplishment and to pursue achieving Signature Membership status and, later, Gold Medal Fellowship status. Both levels have specific requirements.
Signature status indicates the artist has earned the privilege to use “NWWS” following his/her signature.
Signature status is available to artists who have satisfied the requirements (see below), completed the application process, and maintain an active membership.
Only current members who have attained NWWS Signature status may use the letters “nwws” after their painting signature.
NWWS Signature requirements
If you have fulfilled the requirements for Signature Membership (Congratulations!), your application can be processed after the opening of the exhibition that completed the requirements.
Applicants for Signature status must have been accepted into and exhibited in:
- Two or more NWWS Annual International Open Exhibitions, OR
- Two NWWS Waterworks Membership Exhibitions and one NWWS Annual International Open Exhibition.
- Membership dues must have been paid each year, continuously, from the first acceptance into a qualifying exhibition through the last acceptance into a qualifying exhibition, OR
- Membership dues can be paid retroactively for any years in which dues were not paid between the first qualifying acceptance and the last qualifying acceptance.
- CLICK HERE for more information if your membership has lapsed
Signature members must continue to pay yearly dues in order to refer to themselves as Signature Members in publicity or promotional efforts and to use the signature initials “NWWS”.
Only members who are Signature Members may use the letters “NWWS” after their painting signature.
Signature Member List
The below list is in alphabetical order by last name
John Adams
Kathleen Alexander
Marlene Moore Alexander
Christine Alfery
Gloria Miller Allen
Anita Zymolka Amrhein
Corinne Anderson
Judy Anderson
Mickey Anderson
Tony Armendariz
Ruth Armitage
Keith Artz
Jean Aten
Kate Aubrey
Diana Aurigemma
Nancy Axell
Sally Bills Bailey
Sherri Bails
Win Bainbridge
Roger Baker
Kay Barnes
Donna Baspaly
Elise Meredith Beattie
Vera Beaumont
Robin Becic
Jacqui Beck
Tangie Belmore
Kathy Bethurum
Jean Blatner
Marilyn Sears Bourbon
Sarah Bouwsma
Stephanie Bower
Lynda Raven Brake
Ann Breckon
Cindy Briggs
Devi Brunsch
Jessica L. Bryant
Thomas Bucci
Dotti Burton
Kay Cassill
Donna Caulton
Sally Cays
Connie J. Cedergreen
Cheng-Khee Chee
Keming Chen
Tara Choate
Fran Clapper
Connie Clutter
Kathy Collins
Charlene Collins Freeman
Deborah Conn
Susan Cowan
Pauline Cox
Julie Creighton
Anni Crouter
Lola K. Deaton
Lisa DeBaets
Jack Dorsey
Kenneth J. Dowd
Maud Durland
John C. Ebner
Rene Eisenbart
Reita E’Laine
L. S. Eldridge
Sy Ellens
Randy Emmons
Valerie Englehart
Paula Ensign
Joan Enslin
Andy Evansen
Alexandra Eyer
Airi Foote
Beverly Fotheringham
Joan L. Frey
Gerry Friberg
Nancy M. Fulton
Louis S. Gadal
Kristi Galindo Dyson
Susan Gansert-Shaw
Jo Gaston
Marlene Gemmill
Antoaneta Georgieva
Jo Gershman
Mary Gibbs
Kathy Gidley
Catherine Gill
Winnie Givot
Colleen Glastetter
Margaret Godfrey
Theresa K. Goesling
Jeff Good
Pam Grant
Katherine Green
Jeannie Grisham
Gary Griswold
Dmitry Grudsky
Judy Guttormsen
Linda Hagemann
Debbie Haggman
Sandy Haight
Elizabeth Hamlin
John Hannukaine
Sarah Hansen
Marianne Harlor
David Harrison
Janine Helton
Glenyse Henschel
Lori Hess
Judy Hill
Penny Hill
Lynda Hoffman-Snodgrass
Wanda Hughes
Peggie Hunnicutt
Laura Mae Jackson
Brenda K. Jaeger
Catherine James
Helga Jaques
Peggy Jelmini
Gail Johannes
Jay Johansen
Kathy A. Johnson
Marjorie Johnson
Coralynn Jones
Ronald Kasprisin
Kim Kearns
Mary Keefer
Elizabeth Kincaid
Marjorie Kinch
Karen Knutson
Doreen Koch Allen
Chris Kopet
Tia Kratter
John Krenik
Rebecca Krutsinger
ZeZe Lai
Heidi Lambert
Sandy Langford
Mary Jane Larson
Karen Leback
Anni Leedy
Anita Lehmann
Molly LeMaster
Lee Loveland
Stacy Lund Levy
Joe MacKechnie
Michael Maher
Elaine Mahler
Shelley Marrs
Denise Marshall
Laura McClintock
Mark McDermott
Richard McDiarmid
Michele McDonald
Denise McFadden
James McFarlane
Susan McKinnon
Carol McSweeney
Phyllis Meyer
Susan K. Miller
Gordon Miller
Anne Miller-Strandoo
Adrienne Moore
Anna Mastellos Morris
Judy Morris
Hugh Mossman
Bobbie Mueller
Molly Murrah
Kristin Nail
Sandra Neary
Sandra Newhouse
Adam Nichols
Patsy Surh O’Connell
Sandy O’Connor
Birgit O’Connor
Nan Oleksa
Phyllis Oliver
Jennifer Olson
Kaaren Oreck
Muriel Pallay
Rise Parberry
Ron Pattern
Barbara Bohn Patterson
Ann Pember
William T. Perry
Kara H. Pilcher
Joan Pinney
H. “Rusty” Platz III
Lisa Pope
Suzanne Powers
Roz Ramey
Genny Rees
Joan Reeves
Ilse Reimnitz
Myrtle-Anne Rempel
Patricia Renner
Edna Rideout
Jay Rider
John Ringen
Cynthia Roach
J. Anna Roberts
Mary Rollins
Holly Meeker Rom
Deborah Roskopf
Sueellen Ross
Steve Rothert
Alayne Sahar
Sibyl Sanford
Thomas Schaller
Cheryl Schmardebeck
Patricia J. Schmidt
Mary Schossow Schumaker
Linda Scott
Kristen Scott
Dean Seagren
Merrilee J. Sett
Dianna L. Shyne
Shelley Skoropinski Supple
Sunny A. Smith
Natalie Smythe
Ron Snowden
Linda M. Spearman
Renee St. Peter
Dorothy (Dot) Stanton
Margaret Stermer-Cox
Donald Stewart
Ron Stocke
Jane Stoddard
Hazel Stone
Annie Strack
Gary (Chris) Stubbs
Gail Summefield
Brenda Swenson
Alice A. Thies
Noel Thomas
Gerry Thompson
Michael Thoreson
Roberta M. Tiemann
Joan Treat
Deirdre (Dee) Tucker
Carmella Tuliszewski
Li Turner
David Turner
Barbara Van Nostern
Beth Verheyden
Liz Walker
Harold Walkup
Betsy Ward
Lorraine Watry
Hank Weber
Kathryn Wedge
Carol Weiss
Ruth Westra
Roger Whitlock
Stephen Whitney
Eric Wiegardt
Trevlyn A. Williams
Sandy Winfree
Mitch Wolfsehr
Suze Woolf
Hal Wright
Janice Wurn
Carol Yates
Susan Zavadil
Jackie Zumalt