NWWS Artist Zoom Room

The Artist Zoom Room provides education for artists of all skill levels. 

AZR is an online event on the second Monday of most months,1:00 (Pacific time) with the virtual doors opening at 12:45. Anyone–members, non-members or others interested in visual arts–are encouraged to join the Zoom meeting. AZR invites exceptional, well-known artists to provide education or critiques that moves artists toward a more successful art practice.

The “Design Essentials” Series was concluded in June of  2024. A fresh, new series will begin in October of 2024. There are no AZR events in July, August, or September.

We do want you to have this past season’s recordings and related information, so below you’ll find these past events and links available through the summer of 2024. Please enjoy learning from so many generous artists.

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: June 11, 2024: FOCUS: PUTTING TOGETHER THE ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN. Liana Bennett’s event focus was bringing all of the studied “Elements for Success” together into an exciting painting. CLICK: AZR WITH LIANA BENNETT.

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: May 13, 2024: FOCUS: BUILDING SPACE AND DEPTH with Ron Stocke. Ron prepared a lesson sheet to guide members as they prepared paintings for submission. Click: Building Space and Depth Guidelines.  

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: April 8, 2024: Kay’s syllabus and support information can be found by clicking: Focus: Creating Unity and Balance.  Learn about April’s guest artist by clicking: Kay Barnes.

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: March 11, 2024: FOCUS: COLOR HARMONY with Catherine Gill. Read the reference information and painting submission guidelines and understand the event’s objectives. Click: Cathe Gill Syllabus. 

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: February 12, 2024: FOCUS: SHAPES, FORMS, AND VARIETY with Stella Canfield. To read about February’s focus and the guide use for the painting submissions, click here: Canfield Submissions.

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: January 8, 2024: FOCUS: THE VALUE OF VALUES with Dale Laitinen. To view the assignment that guided the submissions, click here: Laitinen Submissions.

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: November 13, 2023: FOCUS: DRAWING IS KEY! with Angela Bandurka . To view the assignment that guided the submissions, click here: Bandurka Submissions.

PAST EVENT / RECORDING AVAILABLE: October 9, 2023: FOCUS: COMPOSITION CORNERSTONES with Anita Lehmann. To view the assignment that guided the submissions, click here: Lehmann Drawing Submissions

 When critiques are part of the month’s program, only NWWS members may request to have their work reviewed (although all art lovers are always invited to attend). To be critiqued, login to this website and find the button on the right to be on the critique list.

Our members have access to recordings of past AZR events to view as often as they like. To become a member: JOIN NWWS

If you would love to join the event but are new to Zoom, we can help. Click: USING ZOOM


Please review the FAQs before signing up to have artwork critiqued.

Learn More & Registration